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Welcome to Since79 Consulting

About Me

Experienced (20 years+) freelance consultant working in the membership and charity sector for a variety of segments: professional bodies, private members clubs, museums and networks. For 5 years (2018-2023) I worked as an Associate Director for the Memberwise Network creating best practice webinars, conferences and content. From 2023, I am an Associate Consultant for the Network, delivering various consultancy projects. For more on my background experience, check out my LinkedIn profile here. Drop me a line at

My Services

Offering strategic advice and practical support on recruitment, retention, engagement, marketing, communications and operations - all things membership. Clients include:

Membership Strategy:
> Heritage Trust Network - 2023 - communications audit and member value proposition
> ArcheryGB - 2023 - member value proposition review and implementation
> Charities Pension Club - 2023 - member recruitment plan and corporate partner strategy
> LIA  - 2021 - mission, vision, values and membership strategy
> Borrow a Boat - 2019 - new subscription model membership scheme business case

Membership Training:
> National Trust for Scotland - 2022 - training their nationwide membership staff

Membership Project Management:
> Historical Association - 2023 - the procurement of a new website
> Charity Finance Group - 2022 - improving the renewals process and bulk memberships

> LJ Digital and Data - 2023 - facilitated a corporate away day to focus on business strategy


Sarah Lomax, Director Of Commercial Services and Marketing at Charity Finance Group -  Kerrie assisted with helping us with drafting some of our membership documentation in late 2022. She fully understood the brief, and executed it in excellent time. Kerrie is a true membership expert and has a brilliant can-do attitude. Would not hesitate to recommend her services.

Louise Stirton, Head of Membership at the National Trust for Scotland - Kerrie delivered some membership training for our property staff at National Trust for Scotland. Kerrie was great at following the brief and developing bespoke training to meet our needs. Kerrie is professional, enthusiastic and brings energy. We had four brilliant sessions and the feedback was excellent.

Joanne Keane, Chief Executive Officer at LIA - In late 2020 we had plans to re-imagine our brand, but before commencing this project we wanted to ensure that our Mission, Vision and Values continued to be fit for purpose and were aligned with the organisations strategic direction. Getting this in order was key to delivering a high quality brand that more accurately reflected the organisation as it is today. Having watched Kerrie present on a number of occasions I knew Kerrie was the right fit to help us on this project. Kerrie hosted a number of workshops for our project team - which were always engaging, thought provoking and very importantly fun. Kerrie has the ability to get the best out of people. We were thrilled with the results of the project which ultimately led us to delivering a complete new brand in September 2021 which has received extremely positive feedback. Kerrie has continued to work with us as we move through the next stage of our project i.e. our member value proposition and we are thrilled to have her support and guidance. I could not recommend Kerrie highly enough.

Fiona Quinn, Manager at Borrow a Boat -  Kerrie worked with us for 3 weeks on the development of a new membership offer. She was a joy to work with, making the process both fun and informative. She clearly set out how each option would best serve our clients while meeting our business objectives, enabling us to focus in on a core offer. Her experience across both strategy development and practical implementation was invaluable. I couldn't recommend her enough!

 Matt Ovenden, CEO & Founder at Borrow a Boat - Kerrie came in to work with us at short notice on a fast moving internal project - and did a great job getting up to speed fast with the business an what we needed, as well as delivering the solution we were looking for. Recommended.

Paul Carroll COO at LIA - I have had the pleasure of working with Kerrie for the past couple of years, and I am delighted to provide this testimonial highlighting the benefits of our collaboration. As a modern organisation, we highly value efficiency, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness in our partnerships. With Kerrie, we received all of these, while achieving results which have exceeded our expectations.
Firstly, the aspect of time management has been exceptional. Kerrie has consistently demonstrated her ability to be on hand, providing support whenever required. This flexibility has enabled us to accelerate or decelerate our projects as required, ensuring that we meet our internal timelines while simultaneously adapting to any changes in the project brief or within the business.  Secondly, the cost structure of our collaboration has been highly advantageous. By working on a per-hour basis, we only pay for the services provided, making it a more economical option compared to fixed day rates. This tailored approach has resulted in significant cost savings for our organisation, allowing us to allocate our resources more effectively and maximise our budget. Lastly, the ability to work remotely has been a game-changer. Our partnership with Kerrie has been fully online, eliminating any overhead costs associated with travel or accommodation. This streamlined remote collaboration has not only helped us in reducing expenses but also contributed to our sustainability goals as a responsible organisation. I wholeheartedly recommend Kerrie for any organisation seeking an efficient, adaptable, and cost-effective partner. The benefits achieved from our collaboration are a testament to Kerrie's dedication, knowledge, expertise, and commitment to delivering high quality work that has made a real impact to our business.
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